Friday, December 26, 2008

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

I guess I had heard of this book before, but I had never read it myself. Then I came across a few reviews of it by other parents, so I looked into it. I knew that we liked Bill Martin Jr, since he wrote the famous -- and Allen favorite -- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (along with the companions Baby Bear, Polar Bear, and Panda Bear all illustrated by the amazing Eric Carle) so I decided to purchase this book as well.

It's a recurring favorite of Allen's. He absolutely adored it when we first got it, as you can see from this post on my personal site. And he's now smitten with it once again. It rhymes, it's colorful, and it teaches him the alphabet. It's easy to read enthusiastically with spunk and a little attitude ( Mommy likes to dance as she reads "Chicka chicka boom boom," swinging her shoulders back and forth).

I always point to the letters as I read them so he can learn to identify them, and now I'm encouraging him to point to them as well (they are lowercase letters, so it's a little more challenging for him. He's more familiar with the capital letters). It's a book I feel really good about reading to him because I know he's learning as well as enjoying the book.

This is one of my personal favorite children's books for the above reasons. I recommend it for all parents of young children. It's pretty much universally adored by toddlers, I think. And because it's got such a nice rhythm to it and it's short, parents don't get sick of reading it.

Enjoy the book and have fun with it!



  1. This is a favorite at our house. After it came home on library day more than once, we obtained our own copy of it (hand-me-down copy from Cousin Aubrey...which makes it even more special). Henry still quotes from it from time to time.

  2. This is an AWESOME idea for a blog... Phoebe is still learning about books and has a rather short attention span, but her favorite book right now is The Very Lonely Firefly, also illustrated by Eric Carle. Someone got her a book called Good Dog, Carl but I thought that might confuse her since her daddy is Karl. I must admit, I regifted it...

  3. Love the new blog site and hope you are OK that I will drop "Aunt recommended" books in some comments.
    Being the aunt to 3 amazing boys I do get to read (and re-read and re-read and re-read) some super books. Please introduce Mo Willems and his "Pigeon" series of books to Allen. I hope he isn't too young. I am so taken by these books, the sarcasm and the illustrations that I almost went to a meet the author without taking any kiddos!
    I am a fan of the first 2 books being discussed but also a huge fan of Eric Carle's illustrations.
    When I was little, my Mom read me the Little Brown Bear books by Elizabeth Upham. Now they are hard to find but I have my original copy that I read to the boys whenever I can and I can already see the same fondness that I felt for this book.

  4. Aunt Adventure -- we welcome recommended books!! I will definitely check out the Pigeon books. I'll see if I can find the Little Brown Bear books ... I'm sure with some diligence I can scrounge up a few copies.

